Benton Receives Results From Rio Tinto On Bark Lake Option

May 25, 2018 Thunder Bay, Ontario: Benton Resources Inc. (TSXV:BEX) (“Benton” or “the Company”) is pleased to announce the receipt of positive exploration results from a diamond drill program completed by its partner, Rio Tinto Canada Exploration Inc. (“Rio Tinto”) on the Company’s Bark Lake Cu-Ni-PGE (“copper-nickel-platinum group element”) project.  Rio Tinto’s summary report to…


Benton Receives Results From Rio Tinto On Bark Lake Option

May 25, 2018 Thunder Bay, Ontario: Benton Resources Inc. (TSXV:BEX) (“Benton” or “the Company”) is pleased to announce the receipt of positive exploration results from a diamond drill program completed by its partner, Rio Tinto Canada Exploration Inc. (“Rio Tinto”) on the Company’s Bark Lake Cu-Ni-PGE (“copper-nickel-platinum group element”) project.  Rio Tinto’s summary report to…
